Study and work

- present: Assistant Professor in Law and Technology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

- : Lecturer in Law and Technology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

- : Postdoctoral Researcher in exposure notification apps, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam.

- : PhD Candidate in Information Law, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam.

- : Research visit Centre for Intellectual Property Law and Information Law, University of Cambridge, UK.

- : Research Master's in Information Law, University of Amsterdam.

- : Internship at the Rathenau Instituut, the Hague, and the Consulate General of the Netherlands in San Francisco.

- : LLM exchange program, Cardozo Law School, New York City.

- : Bachelor in Law, University of Amsterdam.

Ancillary activities

: Board member of the Meijer's Committee.

: Member of the Meijer's Committee.

: Member of the Amsterdam Law School's diversity committee.

- : Chair of the University of Amsterdam's Central PhD Council.

- : Board member of the University of Amsterdam's Central PhD Council.


Invited speaker: 'The border between private and public mediated communication', Authority for Consumers & Markets, The Hague, .

Invited speaker to the roundtable on illegal content and products on Telegram, organised by the Justice and Security committee of the Dutch Lower House, The Hague, .

With F. Zuiderveen Borgesius. Presentation: 'Mapping the bulk surveillance debate', Surveillance & Society Conference, Ljubljana (online), .

Guest lecture: 'Privacy and data protection law', University of Amsterdam, .

Introductory lecture at screening of Perfect Blue, Rialto VU, Amsterdam .

With F. Zuiderveen Borgesius. Presentation: 'What are the arguments in favour of and against bulk surveillance by the state?', Beyond Data Protection Conference, Utrecht University, .

Presentation: 'Towards EU anti-disinformation law', Digital Legal Talks, Utrecht, .

With S. De Conca and M. Leiser. Panel organiser and moderator: 'Deceptive design in online interfaces and system architecture - Questions for EU law', CPDP Conference, Brussels, .

Invited speaker: 'EU competences regarding disinformation: should we empower the EU to do more?', Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research Toogdag, .

With T. van der Linden and A. de Hingh. Organiser: 'Mini-conference - Regulating disinformation: legal struggles and risks of privatization', Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, .

Incompany course lecturer: 'Regulering van online aanbevelingssystemen voor nieuws', Van Doorne, Amsterdam, .

With T. Sharon. Panel organiser: 'When privacy and data protection rules, what and who loses out?', CPDP Conference, Brussels, .

With S. De Conca. Panel organiser and moderator: 'UPLOAD_ERROR: Automated Decisions, Users’ Right to Redress, and Access to Justice on Social Networks', CPDP Conference, Brussels, .

Invited speaker: 'Online news personalisation: risks and opportunities for the enjoyment of fundamental rights', event 'Influencing users' behaviour online: defining the challenges and exploring regulatory responses', Utrecht University (online), .

Invited speaker: 'Gegevensverwerking door Europol', event 'Meer weten is meer weten of meer macht?', Netherlands Helsinki Committee, Den Haag (online), .

Presentation: 'The reach of EU law over national security issues', The Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy (TPRC), Washington, DC (online), .

With N. Helberger. Paper workshop: 'Regulating digital contact tracing for communicable diseases', Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Georgetown University, Washington, DC (online), .

With T. Sharon, M. Lanzing, L. Siffels, N. Helberger, J. Strycharz, J. van Apeldoorn and M. Sax. Panel organiser: 'Digital technologies during Covid-19: A multi-disciplinary problematization of privacy’s value hegemony', Conference TILTing Perspectives, Tilburg (online), .

Panellist at: 'Big Tech Platforms as "societal problem solvers": How to organise democratic oversight and control', Conference TILTing Perspectives, Tilburg (online), .

With N. Helberger, J. Toh, G. Bouchè and N. Appelman. Panel organiser: 'Big Tech Platforms as "societal problem solvers": How to organise democratic oversight and control', Conference TILTing Perspectives, Tilburg (online), .

Presentation: 'The reach of EU law over national security issues: La Quadrature du Net a.o. and Privacy International', Conference TILTing Perspectives, Tilburg (online), .

Invited presentation: 'Regulating news personalization: requirements from a fundamental rights perspective', Digital Ideas Lunch Series, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin (online), .

Guest lecture: 'A legal perspective on disinformation', Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam (online), .

Invited presentation: 'Digital technologies for corona - moving beyond the rights to privacy and data protection', University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza (online), .

Moderator at: 'Humane Conversations – Sennay Ghebreab and Hinda Haned Understanding and mitigating bias in AI automated systems', Human(e) AI, University of Amsterdam (online), .

Panellist at: 'Automated decision-making: towards effective remedies in a changing world?', CPDP conference, Brussels (online), .

Panellist at: 'Techtalks #2 - Corona app: waarom we Mark Zuckerberg wel, maar Mark Rutte niet vertrouwen', Rode Hoed, Amsterdam, .

Panellist at: 'WeMakeThe.City 2020 Marathon - RESET: Healthcare', Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, .

Invited presentation: 'AI in the news media: legal issues', Workshop AI in the audiovisual industry, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, .

Invited presentation: 'A right to reset your user profile and more: GDPR rights for personalised news consumers', Ius Commune Congress, KU Leuven, .

Invited presentation: 'AI applications in online media: freedom of expression and privacy', 2nd Istanbul Privacy Symposium, .

Paper workshop: 'A protected personal space as guaranteed by European human rights law and the limits it sets for profiling media users', Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Berkeley, CA, .

Presentation: 'Privacy and information rights of personalised news consumers', Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Oxford, UK, .

Presentation: 'Personalised news & the GDPR', European Communication Research and Education Association conference (ECREA 2018), Lugano, Switzerland, .

Presentation: 'Personalised news & the GDPR', Amsterdam Privacy Conference, .

Organiser of the track 'The regulation of the information society', Amsterdam Privacy Conference (APC 2018), Amsterdam, .

Invited presentation: '"Fake news" science for lawyers', 56th International Young Lawyers Congress, International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA), Brussels, .

Panellist at 'Digital Privacy, WIV and NGOs', organised by Pro Bono Connect, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Amsterdam, .

Invited presentation: 'News personalisation as a data protection problem: individual control under the GDPR', Amsterdam Platform for Privacy Research, .

Invited presentation: 'Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten 2017 - Vertrouwen in de diensten en de rechtsstaat: waar staat de nieuwe wet?', Amsterdamse Academische Club, Amsterdam, .

Invited presentation: 'News personalisation and the GDPR', Workshop 'Algorithmic Personalization & News', Hans-Bredow-Institut, Hamburg, .

Presentation: 'Challenged by news personalisation: five perspectives on the right to receive information', ECREA symposium 'Digital Democracy: Critical Perspectives in the Age of Big Data', Stockholm, .

Panel speaker at 'Discussion with Helen Nissenbaum: How should we think about obfuscation?', Spui25, Amsterdam, .

Invited presentation: 'Critical bots for diversity in personalized news recommendations', Critical Bots Hackathon, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, .

Presentation: 'Challenged by news personalisation: six perspectives on the right to receive information', Workshop for Young EU Law Scholars, London School of Economics, .

Presentation: 'Challenged by news personalization: five perspectives on the right to receive information', Conference TILTing Perspectives, Tilburg, .

Invited presentation: 'Experts tell me algorithms cannot be regulated. I'm a lawyer and this is why I think the experts are wrong', event 'Who controls the algorithms?', Spui25, Amsterdam, .

Panellist at event 'Big data, veiligheid en criminaliteit', Spui25, Amsterdam, .

Invited presentation: 'Securing news users’ right to receive information in the context of news personalization', Amsterdam Platform for Privacy Research, .