Peer-reviewed journal articles

S. Eskens (2022), The ever-growing complexity of the data retention discussion in the EU: An in-depth review of La Quadrature du Net and others and Privacy International, European Data Protection Law Review, volume 8, issue 1, pages 143-155 [online version] [PDF].

N. Helberger, M. van Drunen, S. Eskens, M. Bastian, and J. Moeller (2020), A freedom of expression perspective on AI in the media – with a special focus on editorial decision making on social media platforms and in the news media, European Journal of Law and Technology, volume 11, issue 3 [online version] (open access).

S. Eskens (2020), The personal information sphere: An integral approach to privacy and related information and communication rights, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, volume 71, issue 9, pages 1116-1128 [online version] (open access).

C. Monzer, J. Möller, N. Helberger, and S. Eskens (2020), User perspectives on the news personalisation process: Agency, trust and utility as building blocks, Digital Journalism, volume 8, issue 9, pages 1142-1162 [online version] (open access).

S. Eskens (2019), A right to reset your user profile and more: GDPR-rights for personalized news consumers, International Data Privacy Law, volume 9, issue 3, pages 153-172 [online version] (open access).

B. Bodó, N. Helberger, S. Eskens, and J. Möller (2019), Interested in diversity: The role of user attitudes, algorithmic feedback loops, and policy in news personalization, Digital Journalism, volume 7, issue 2, pages 206-229 [online version] (open access).

S. Eskens, N. Helberger, and J. Moeller (2017), Challenged by news personalisation: Five perspectives on the right to receive information, Journal of Media Law, volume 9, issue 2, pages 259-284 [online version] (open access).

F.J. Zuiderveen Borgesius, D. Trilling, J. Möller, S. Eskens, B. Bodó, C.H. de Vreese, and N. Helberger (2016), Algoritmische verzuiling en filter bubbles: een bedreiging voor de democratie?, Computerrecht, issue 5, pages 255-262 [PDF].

S. Eskens, O. van Daalen, and N. van Eijk (2016), 10 Standards for Oversight & Transparency of National Intelligence Services, Journal of National Security Law & Policy, volume 8, issue 3, pages 553-594 [PDF].

S.J. Eskens (2015), Ongerichte interceptie, of het verwerven van bulk-communicatie, en waarom de Grondwet en het EVRM onvoldoende tegenwicht bieden, Computerrecht, issue 3, pages 125-131 [PDF].

Edited issues

N. Helberger, M. van Drunen, J. Moeller, S. Vrijenhoek, and S. Eskens (editors), Special issue on the use of AI in journalism, Digital Journalism, volume 10, issue 10. [online version].


N. Helberger, S. Eskens, J. Strycharz, G. Bouchè, J. van Hoboken, J. van Mill, J. Toh, and others (2021), Conditions for technological solutions in a COVID-19 exit strategy, with particular focus on the legal and societal conditions, ZonMW [PDF].

N. Helberger, S. Eskens, M. van Drunen, M. Bastian, and J. Möller (2020), Implications of AI-driven tools in the media for freedom of expression, Council of Europe [PDF].

S.J. Eskens, O.L. van Daalen, and N.A.N.M. van Eijk (2016), Geheime surveillance en opsporing: Richtsnoeren voor de inrichting van wetgeving, Instituut voor Informatierecht, Universiteit van Amsterdam, [PDF].

S. Eskens, J. Timmer, L. Kool, and R. van Est (2016), Beyond control: Exploratory study on the discourse in Silicon Valley about consumer privacy in the Internet of Things, The Hague: Rathenau Instituut [PDF].

S.J. Eskens, O.L. van Daalen, and N.A.N.M. van Eijk (2015), Ten standards for oversight and transparency of national intelligence services, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam [PDF].

Case notes

S. Eskens (2021), Annotatie bij Hof Amsterdam 1 juni 2021 (Centrale Studentenraad van de Universiteit van Amsterdam c.s./Universiteit van Amsterdam), Computerrecht, issue 5, pages 441-446 [PDF].

S.J. Eskens (2016), Annotatie bij EHRM 4 december 2015 (Roman Zakharov/Rusland), Computerrecht, issue 3, pages 178-189 [PDF].

K. Irion, S.J. Eskens, and M.-P. Granger (2015), Annotatie bij HvJ EU 8 april 2014 (Digital Rights Ireland), Mediaforum, volume 27, issue 3, pages 112-118 [PDF].


S. Eskens, The European Commission’s DSA enforcement show, ALTI Forum, .

S. Eskens, Regulating news recommender systems in light of the rule of law, Verfassungsblog, .

S. Eskens, New and extensive data processing powers proposed for Europol, European Law Blog, .

F.J. Zuiderveen Borgesius, D. Trilling, S. Eskens, J. Möller, B. Bodó, C.H. de Vreese, and N. Helberger, De filterbubbel doorgeprikt: het negatieve effect van gepersonaliseerde media valt mee,, .


S. Eskens (2024), Position paper S. Eskens t.b.v. rondetafelgesprek Illegale content en producten op Telegram d.d. 23 mei 2024, Tweede Kamer, Den Haag [online version] (open access).

N. Helberger, M. van Drunen, J. Moeller, S. Vrijenhoek, and S. Eskens (2022), Towards a normative perspective on journalistic AI: Embracing the messy reality of normative ideals, Digital Journalism, volume 10, issue 10, pages 1605-1626 [online version] [PDF].

S. Eskens and J. van Mill, Opinie: Doorsturen telecomdata naar RIVM vereist een beter verhaal, Het Financieele Dagblad, 11 September 2020 [online version] [PDF].

N. Helberger and S. Eskens, Opinie: corona-app vraagt om meer toezicht op grote techbedrijven, de Volkskrant, 10 September 2020 [online version].

S. Eskens (2020), Opinie: de wettelijke mogelijkheden voor online proctoring door universiteiten zijn zeer beperkt, Tijdschrift voor Internetrecht, volume 4, pages 141-143 [PDF].

S. Eskens (2020), Implications of the use of artificial intelligence by news media for freedom of expression, in Artificial intelligence in the audiovisual sector (IRIS Special 2020-2), European Audiovisual Observatory [PDF]. [Edit on 8 April 2024:] This chapter is based on the report I coauthored with Helberger, Van Drunen, Bastian, and Möller for the Council of Europe in 2020.

S.J. Eskens (2016), New Notification Obligations and Fines under the Dutch Data Protection Act, European Data Protection Law Review, volume 2, issue 2, pages 224-226 [PDF].

PhD thesis

S.J. Eskens (2021), The fundamental rights of news users: The legal groundwork for a personalised online news environment, University of Amsterdam [online version].

Master thesis

S.J. Eskens (2016), Profiling the European citizen in the Internet of Things: How will the General Data Protection Regulation apply to this form of personal data processing, and how should it?, University of Amsterdam [PDF].